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We are committed to helping the U reach its goals and objectives through scheduled audits, investigations, consultation projects, and training services. We work to evaluate and improve the U’s effectiveness of risk management, internal controls, and governance processes while maintaining the highest professional and ethical standards.

The Fraud Triangle
For fraud to occur, 3 factors must be present—opportunity, pressure, and rationalization (or justification). While the University can minimize opportunity through sound internal controls, it is up to each employee to minimize pressure to commit fraud and to not act on thoughts rationalizing the fraud.
All the Queen's Horses
How does one woman steal $53 million from a small town in Illinois? We watch a video to learn how she stole the money and how she was caught and then we apply lessons learned to daily responsibilities across campus.
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Forces at Play
We all deal with forces—good and bad—that may cause us to act in a way we normally would not. Good forces and the drive to be better or "do good" are as important to recognize as bad forces that "make bad look good".